soulstaroracle (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Love In The INFINITE |
Radiant Transmission
Channeled and blended through the awareness of Thai`Akene
Greetings Infinite ONE....
Inspired, and moved to express your very own beauty in new ways,
how amazing you are.
Though it is never something you could hold in your hand, see, or taste, it moves across the youniverse of you infinitely. Such a gift is this force of life you call love,it has no manifestation of It's own. It is the power behind all manifestation. You bring the manifestation, by your desire, your imagination is the life of your desire. Of our ownaccord, We do nothing. We simply cooperate in the force, by reflecting possibility. Not as an absolute, as an option of choice.
We are no-thing. We do no-thing. We live to reveal love, not as manifestation, only as open-ended potential.
Love by It's very intangibilty is the reason it is infinite, to solidify life force in manifestation is to slow the life force
and condense energy, into form. What a glorious dimension form brings to the dance of the infinite, it is not the reality, it is a way of experiencing the all in a limited view. Only so long as the love is qualified, condensed, and required in manifestation will you seek It's form as the source of love. When you begin to let go of the channels, restrictions of love, or ways that love reveals herself, you will step into reality, communion with the source of ALL
Trust love, you will KNOW love. It is rushing to, in, and through you, all ways.
Feel it as energy, moving breathing, holding, touching you in every way, it is love in the infinite. You are invited to walk beyond the limited confines of your definitions of love, and LIVE...for the first time, once again. Infinite One.
We are in love In YOU,