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The true answer

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former member default image - bird flying away

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This was before I was saved. Even if I was not saved, had I contact with heaven.

I thought like so many other that the meaning of life was to get kids and then raise them up to be loving and helpul citizen of the sociaty.

But then did I got two kids that could not get any kids and it changed my thoughts as there is people that can never get any kids...should they be doomed for that ?

But I come to see what it was.

I had a family from Chile that we had been friend to. It was a very nice family where the family wanted to be involved in the Swedish sociaty and all learned Swedish very fast.

But the father in the family become more and more sad and his hair grow grey and we could really see he was down because he had no job.

He had been a manager for a big company in Chile and could not even get a cleaner job in Sweden.

I had been promised a job in a catholic church but that day did I met my friend and saw he how sad he was so I was going angry at the sociaty I lived in that could not give him a job that was so nice man.

I walk in to the church and said I wanted to leave my place to someone that was more better then me to do this job and told them about my friend.

He got the job and he come to work with what he did in Chile...he was the church accounter

When I saw how this man come out from his grave and started to live again did I understood what the meaning of life is....

It is to help each other as much as we can and not let people start from step one if we know how to smooth the way and solve problems....

it is total wrong to sit and look at a person how she or he struggle with something if we know how to fix it.

To help someone with an heay burden... to sweep the way for someone so the road will not be full of obsticles.

To help each other is to show LOVE to our neighbors.

I stepped out from the boat.
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