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Soulmates..do they exist

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October 26, 2010
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Do soulmates really exist? Know anyone who met their soulmate?

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`yes hun they do but you have to ask this way true heavenly angels against and deestroyers of all evil not just n angel n not just a soulmate ...we have many hun good and bad ..the one you want is the good positive one that completes your positive best side n ask true heavenly angels against n destroyers of evil to bring your positive good best friend who completes your same good loving golden heart n take away all bad energys in your life..then watch what n who you meet your part is to only allow what does not make you question as the right ones you wnt hun brenxxx

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September 17, 2011
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`I HAVE MET MY SOULMATE HAD A DAUGHTER WITH HER AND NOW 2 GRANDCHILDREN WITH MY DAUGHTER. Ithink people come back in soul pods to help each other with the spiritual pacts made before we arrived this time. So i believe we have many soulmates.Now a twin flame my onenes in 2 that is differrent yet the twin flame may not appear in this lifetime and may be our spirit guides even if they havent reincarnated.My soulmates are many but twinflame is one

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August 26, 2012
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`I believe that soul mates exist, but I don't believe there is only one person you are destined to be with.

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November 3, 2012
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`I think Soulmates do exist, but the situation may not be permanent unfortunatelt

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`i feel there are soul mate friends, soul mate family, and soul lovers, but sometimes soul friends look and feel like soul mate lovers but its not until a time passes and you get to know them that, there true connection to you comes up. i feel we make pre incarnation agreements, and incarnate in soul family's helping each other to learn grow and deepen our soul growth. twin flames to me are the part of you that split into male and female in the very beginning of your soul birth, and you may come together in a physical incarnation if you are both ready to ascend to the next level of soul mastery, yet a twin flame can be in spirit too or still connected to our star family's.

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July 23, 2010
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`Elders say that there is someone for everyone. And that we all will meet our soul mate at one time or another. They say that This does not mean that you will know at the time that He or She is that person ,( your soul mate ) Just why is that?. I like to think that it would be nice to know when the two meet up. Seeing how I am over fifty and yep praying that I did not miss the meeting lol. I am sure that it must be deeper then the common things like( we like the same color) or( we like green apples alike) or ( I think we will make a great couple..) Do any one out there know what kind of things happen within to let one know that this person is your very on soul mate?. Trying to learn the difference in between oh I like you or OMG it is you my soul mate. Someone/Anyone.

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`Maybe think of it this way. Our soul is our energy body. So a soul-mate might be someone that we are comfortable near. More over, the two may be able to notice subtle shifts in each other or be able to help calm or soothe each other just by touching or even thinking about the other (a sort of pre-union). However, this may not be readily apparent to either one. God puts us together but our ego's can get in the way. There will be someone until there is no more time to develop a commited human relationship. At that point there is only one left to concern oneself with.

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`when i went to college, i met a girl and for some reason something inside me just exploded for the first time that i saw her. i dont know what it was, but there was just something in her face that made me believe like omg i think i found her. annnnd as creepy and weird as that sounds i kept my comments to myself, and kept it friendly. we talked here and there but i knew she didnt feel the same way about me as i did her. it was weird, i could not put my finger on it but there was just something about her. perhaps she may have been one of my soul mates, but she did not recognize me the way i may have towards her. soo to stay safe i kept allll thoughts and emotions to myself, and tbh maybe had a whopping 2 conversations with her. now im out of school and have moved away. but i question this occurance often and would someday like to meet Dr. Brian Weiss to see if i may identify her in a past life regression session. soo i believe soul mates exist, but it does not necissarily happen on a 2 way road. soul mates can be someone u meet on the street for 2 secs, or spend a life with as a family. anyone that influences you

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December 12, 2011
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`I think it depends on the definition... if it's spiritual, it's hard to say. I think there are people who's souls are really aligned an on the same evolutionary path and you recognize each other right away. To me, it's not "love at first sight" though, because I've had that experience and we were definitely not soul mates!

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