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why do they do this?

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February 27, 2007
Posts: 17

PostPosted:     Post subject: why do they do this?
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At the weekend i went to an anual event in a beautiful part of Wales know and the pagan camp out. I had a wonderful time but sadly it almost got called off.

Seems the local christian community were threatening turning up and protesting to stop us enjoying our time there.

This makes me so angry. Why do they feel they have the right to do this? We would never dream of standing outside their churches making them uncomfortable about going in. Why do they do this? Iv seen it happen twice now, once at witchfest where they stood outside singing and praying during an anual event where we have workshops, lectures, music, stalls that dosnt affect anyone else, its all indoors and tickets rather pricy so its not something people just walking by would pop in and be converted if thats what there worried about. Another time a group of christians turned up to our Lammas ceramony. This involves a bbq, musicians gathering in a field (always pre-arranged by the owners first) a fire to sit round and chat with friends, some ritual work, guided meditation, nothing threatening to any passers by at all yet they had to turn up and make us feel uncomfortable (or at least try to). One of our members went over to the group standing singing hymns and invited them to come over and join us for some food, they refused and continued singing loudly and praying.

I find it very rude, let people worship and practise their faith. No one has the right to take that away from anyone.

Blessed be


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Posted:     Post subject:

Some people are just religiously obsessed to the point where they forget proper, wise consideration of others. They can be known as "zealots", who naively proselytize and seem to worship religion itself rather than God.

I wouldn't take it personally, even while the Christians do not sound genuine. If anything, a Christian intending to disturb others is obviously not interested in Love, but instead is stuck in the world of jealousy and grief. It's well that one of your friends still offered their kindness.

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Posted:     Post subject: I think I know why......

People from my experience behave badly or without consideration for others for one of two reasons. Either they are afraid of that which they do not know/do not understand or maybe they do not know how to deal with something outside of convention and/or their own experience. I guess that these are pretty much one and the sme thing!

For about 8 or 9 years now I haven't owned a television something guaranteed to mess with peoples heads

Most are used to the lack of a TV when they come to visit now but when I first decided to give up "the box" people always used to say "What do you do/how do you cope without a TV?"

I gave up TV because I have far better ways to spend my time. I play/am learning to play guitar and mandolin. Will one day attempt Sitar if I can find a tutor! I write, I read, I sketch, I listen to music, I visit friends, make my own bread, cook for friends. When the weather is good I go for walks in the woods, up in the hills or down on the beach.

I haven't got a TV because I haven't got time to watch it and I'm sure as heck not gonna pay £140+ a year for something I am unlikely to ever use.

The fear/lack of understanding part I mentioned earlier applies to business as well as individuals.

A short while after giving the TV to a friend I got a letter from TV Licensing - "According to our records etc, etc.....". I replied stating quite clearly that I didn't own either a TV or a video recorder so did not need a license thinking that would be the end of the matter. Makes sense to me but apparently not to them.

Two weeks later another letter, then another this time more threatening. Letters, telephone calls all stating that I didn't own a TV but they didn't accept this, couldn't understand, so continued threatening legal action and behaving badly.

In all it took me eight months to convince them, a lot of letters, many telephone calls. The only reason they stopped writing/finally accepted that I did not own a TV was when I threatened them with harrassment charges!!!!

It should never have got that far - they only reason it did was because I was doing something they could not/would not understand. The TV licensing authority behaved badly because they were faced with something they considered outside of what is "normal".

How many others, businesses and individuals, behave exactly the same when faced with something they cannot or do not want to understand???

Trust yourself and you will find trust in others.
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Posted:     Post subject:

`Tina.... I am sure (from my very short time being here & reading through the profiles) that there are many people who have had similar experiences as you have described, in a variety of "non-average" spiritualities.. I think the two posters above me here have touched on some important aspects...

There is a very old saying, that: "Ignorance breeds contempt".. Another one of my favorites, is by the great Chief Dan George... and although the subject here is about animals, I believe (since we are just different "types" of animals) that it also applies to your situation:

"If you talk to the animals...
They will talk back to you...
And you will know each other....
If you do not talk to them....
You will not know them....
And what you do not know....
You will fear....
What one fears..., One destroys..." --- (Chief Dan George)

Another point, is not to get mad/angry with these people. The Church has dictated to a lot of people "what to believe" and "what not to believe", over many centuries... Most people are followers who spend little thought interpreting words, and take them at face value. Like many other great Holy Books & written knowledge, that have been interpreted, translated & transcribed by "Man".. (and as everyone here surely knows..., men make mistakes....) ... the Bible has it's own conflicts...

So..... I guess my main point to your sad story is: "Don't let others, steal your power of knowledge". When someone gets you angry/mad (whether they know it or not) they are in some small way "stealing your power"... (or at least.., attempting to..). Wish them well, and you will see a different reaction...

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Posted:     Post subject:

`xxx agree bren

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