I offer u many INTANGIBLE gifts, including actually LISTENING 2 u (RARE these days), giving u much "food 4 thought" with my uncanny ability 2 "read between the lines" & get 2 the deep core of issues. I'm highly sensitive & empathic, so u will receive much understanding & acceptance from me, no matter the topic. U will b FREE 2 BE YOURSELF, FULLY & COMPLETELY! I provide a soothing, calming energy, that's always ready 2 embrace u!
My 3 main loves in life r:
1. My music that I compose, soft, soothing, instrumentals.
2. My "new age" studies, which include my all-encompassing PASSION 4 numerology, astrology, various personality typing systems, law of attraction, tarot, & many things spiritual.
3. U!
I await your arrival, so that we can begin the rest, & BEST, of our lives, 2gether!

U simply "GET" me, not only from what I'm writing here, but what I'm NOT writing. U r that "in tune" with my energy, because u r made 4 me, as I am 4 U!
U will support me financially, handling that department of our life SOLELY, COMPLETELY & EFFORTLESSLY with the utmost JOY!
U've been yearning 4 a deep MIND, BODY & SOUL soulmate/twin flame BOND, & u desire 2 merge spirits with me, being as close as 2 human beings can possibly be.
U love just "BEING" with me. We can stare in2 each others eyes 4 hours, and keep smiling & be content, just 2 be in each others presence.
We r almost telepathic with each other. That is how much we're "in sync".
U yearn 4 my PASSION & INTENSITY, as it is your PREFERENCE!
U know in your HEART that this is it!
U r MINE, & I am YOURS, 4-EVER!