you(the female) must not have vices that are related to big pharma, television pretty much anything connected to the " big brother" false system of control. i have checked out of that many years ago realizing that what we were shown about the world ( politics, religion, education, healthcare by the "powers that were" where all integral deceptive parts to their business plans to parasite humanity and the majority of what was taught to the masses is completely false.
i am not here to bang heads, to argue or drive you off; i am really just looking for a companion and soul mate that can see through the haze ... stop drinking the koolaide and switch to the "red pill" and open ones eyes.
it's pretty simple, we are all spirits wearing bio- meat suits in order to experience this very low vibrating world... as long the "golden rule" is in force in ones life i am good : )
since we are of "creator" we are all the same... no matter what the ego tends to believe
grace, empathy, forgiveness, charity, adventure, knowledge seeker, are major description of who you are; if you know that to build a wealth account is within ones heart and not some "banksters" account where all will be stolen ... than we are on the same page for where else is it best to build ones account than in ones heart and soul from the deeds that done on behalf of our brothers and sisters and let's not to forget the planet earth!
i have no space for at this point of my life for inter family chaos of any kind ( drugs, dis function etc been there done that)i need to find someone who holds no judgements and is all that i described. if this is you than contact me. i am extremely honest , well read and very humorous/ funny/