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drugs vs spirituality

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February 27, 2007
Posts: 17

PostPosted:     Post subject: drugs vs spirituality
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What does anyone here think about those who feel the need to use halluciogenics to achieve a spiritual experience?

I met someone recently who felt he needed lsd, dmt or other drugs to achieve that spiritual level many of us can get to without substance assistance. He constantly told me how i needed to take these substances to see the true beauty in life, nature and be at one with the Earth.

Just wondered what others thought about this. I personaly dont feel the need to use such substances yet at the same time im aware of other cultures who use them for various reasons such as the shaman or juju man for example. I accept that, but how does a guy living in the western world, surrounded by materialism, a high powered job, 2 cars on his drive and a country cottage hes spending a fortune on to look like something on the cover of a chocolate box have to do with these ancient tribal folk who use these hulluciogenics for spiritual purposes (with the exeption of lsd of course which is created in a lab).

Whats your views?

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I have heard from a yogi that drugs will darken up your aura and create holes. This will lead to unwanted attention from the lesser kind.

I've also heard that smoking marijuana the right way is acceptable, but not when it's for recreational use.

I personally believe drugs and spirituality are complete opposites. When someone takes addictive substances they will attract energies around them they do not want around. If one wants to open themselves up to Spiritual experience... all he or she needs to do is meditate .

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Posted:     Post subject:

`In my opinion, drugs and alcohol are crutches... They are used by people who are not able to achieve "spiritual journeying & ecstasy" on their own... Some use them with respect and others (as the above poster said) use them recreationally. As far as shamans & medicine people go, not all agree with their use..., as you can never be positive what spirits you are in contact with, if you are not in complete control of your own self... Yes.., they also cause holes in your aura, and additionally make it easier for others to fool you and/or work against you...

"Getting there" without drugs or alcohol (and I am talking about ANY use of either, at any time) will make you stronger, spiritually...

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Posted:     Post subject:

`You do not need any drug to be spiritual.

However sometimes people need drugs or alcohol to break their life, which will develop them spiritual.

But I guess most of us here are past that point.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Interesting topic. I can only speak from own experience. I have experimented with hallucinogenics (many years ago when I was a student... young and curious). I didn't particularly enjoy LSD and haven't touched it in over a decade, and will probably never take it again. But I did have some amazing experiences with it, and it did change my perception of life and how I view things, so for that I am grateful and I have absolutely no regrets about having taken it in the past.
I have also experimented with magic mushrooms, and this I loved! But it is also something I have not done in many years, but it is something I would definitely consider doing again, but only with the right people and in the right setting (somewhere out in nature). If approached in the right manner then I think that it is something that can be beneficial. Mushrooms are something that I consider to be sacred, and not for recreational purposes. I think it is important to stress that it really is something that I would only do in the right situation and in the right frame of mind, and not something to be done lightly or regularly just for the hell of it. It does, in that moment, change the way you see things, and this is where I find it to be beneficial. However, it should not be relied on to keep recreating that experience, and I believe that the experience can be achieved without the use of hallucinogenics, which is what we should be striving for. But that first experience is what 'opened the door' for me, or made me realise that there are different ways of seeing or experiencing the world. Again, I have not touched any hallucinogenics in many years, and I do not feel like I am missing out on anything by not having it, but I do not regret having tried it and I am actually extremely grateful for those experiences because I did have some really amazing experiences with it. But it helps that I shared those experiences with very close friends who I trust with my life, and we were out in a beautiful and peaceful setting in nature, and who shared my feeling of the sacredness of the experience. If you do feel compelled to give it a try then my advise would be to stay away from LSD and stick with what nature has created (ie: magic mushrooms). I agree that you don't need these things to have sacred experiences, and also very heartily agree, again, that they should not be relied upon to experience a different view of life, but I do not think that it is a bad thing if approached in the right way and only on rare occasions. Say a prayer before you take them, dedicate the experience to the greater good, make sure you are in the company of good people and somewhere out in nature, and enjoy it. :)

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I experienced LSD for the first time at age 15 and than a handful of times after. I know I had spiritual encounters wile on LSD. I believe you experience what I call a thinning of the veil. This can take place during other spiritual experiences other than using hallucinogenics.It can be very dangerous beyond ones understanding.

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November 11, 2010
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`Don't know if this threads still open or not but i just thought I'd add this: i think prayer and fasting is better than any drug could be.

For one thing it gives a better understanding of what people who are impoverished go through.

(I'm still not 100% clear on what prayer is though.)

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I haven't expirimented with any drugs. Although, I did consume some. I had no spiritual anything. A Santarian friend told me that drug induced connections to the divine are difficult to fathom. That's why there is supposed to be an attendant shaman. And, it means nothing if you never have any special expirience. Because, if they want to talk to you, you won't need drugs or a shaman. Also, there was a note of caution to be wary of malignant beings.

@ Mikematrix: It's open. Dead but open.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`i used to do drugs such as mdma and i used to smoke weed alot. "unfortunately" i was diagnosed with pyschosis. periodically i hear voices even to this day. i have to say that for some people, they need drugs to experience imagination, creation and to have evidence of spiritual existance. for others, they need mindfulness and meditation etc. and for some a mix of both. we all walk our own paths and have our own needs. for my personal experience, i dont regret developing psychosis, because even now that i dont do drugs anymore, i still have a connection to "the other side" in my own opinion. its a phenomenon i cant explain, but it helps me to communicate my thoughts and feelings with something outside of myself. i see no spiritual benefits from cocaine or heroine users for ex. but hallucinogenics are in my view, a google search engine accessible on the test of life. others may choose to study and learn for themselves, and others may choose to have a vivid and lucid database for their knowlege. and in my opinion, each are very unique and inspiring ways if used correctly.

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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:51 pm    Post subject:

I would steer far, FAR away from this individual. Just my opinion. Drugs are not necessary and can/will lead to psychosis.

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