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A Different Path Walked By Each

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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: A Different Path Walked By Each
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As an eclectic pagan/wiccan, I believe there is a "right" path for each person, but that path is different for every person. Some find there path in Judeo Christian beliefs, some in Taoism, some in Buddhism, etc. For each person, they must find that within themselves that is the spiritual and find the path that is best for them.

George Carlin once said, "Religion is like a lift in your shoe. If it helps you stand up straighter and walk better, that is fine. But, don't ask me to wear your shoes, and let's not go nailing shoes on the feet of the natives."

I heard him say that more than 20 years ago, and it has become my philosophy of life when it comes to matters of the spirit and religion. My question would be why there are so many that need to believe that their path is the only right one. The follow up question would be why there are those who denigrate those who believe that way.

While it is true that there have been many harmful acts done in the name of various religions, it is also true that many great works have as well. It is not my place, nor any other's, to judge another person for their beliefs. Nor is it my place to insist that another person believe my path is the right one for them to walk as well.

Maybe it is time for the world to realize that we are a diverse world and diversity is what is special about the human race. Embrace that diversity.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived."
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Posted:     Post subject: Room To Spare

Well said Fringey. Love the quote. If this small planet of ours can carry so many people then surely there is enough room in the,heavens,galaxies and Universes to carry all Gods and Goddess' . Each to their own and there should be enough room for all of us without any troubles within mankind\womankind.

Peace and Harmony,
Soaring Bird
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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Exactly. It comes down to the fact that we are human beings at the heart and what each person believs is what is right for them. It is no one else's place to judge.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived."
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February 27, 2007
Posts: 17

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`wow seems like this is an old thread but iv only just found it. Love that quote, its so true.

Thank you for sharing it Fringey.

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July 2, 2008
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`what u have written is beautiful and true...but i often wonder at te paradox of the current situation of the world...when there are plenty of us who think this way then why are there riots, wars for religion???? I know its an age old query but i wish there was an answer to make this world actually a loving place to live....

peace for all

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Sorry for the repetition here, as I used this same quote twice on different topics here, but I have to say that it still seems to connect/answer to your topic. Thanks for sharing the Carlin quote, Fringey.. A good comic is often a Sage in disguise..

Here's the quote from another very wise man:

"If you talk to the animals...
They will talk back to you...
And you will know each other....
If you do not talk to them....
You will not know them....
And what you do not know....
You will fear....
What one fears..., One destroys..." --- (Chief Dan George)

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June 18, 2012
Posts: 4

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`I just finished a discussion at atheism.about.com about atheists denigrating religion. After a terrible argument (everyone there hates me now), it turns out that the problem was when I tried to explain that it's against my religion to believe in religious falsehoods, and that I consider everything unethical to be a sin. Even those members willing to tolerate religion were upset by this. They went beyond just disagreeing; they literally thought I was crazy for saying it. Is it really such a crazy idea?

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